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Qualifying for Alternative Healthcare Plans


Are You Healthy Enough For Ascend?

IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  If you or a family member have a pre-existing condition other than the excepted conditions listed above, and that condition is of a potentially serious nature, it is recommended that you do not enroll in the Ascend Health plans.  Instead, you may want to shop the individual marketplace to acquire an ACA compliant plan that offers no restriction to pre-existing condition coverage.  If you would like to evaluate coverage options on the individual market place, click the button below for assistance.

One of the ways that alternative healthcare plans are able to provide higher quality care at a significantly lower price is because Ascend Health's Enhanced and Premier Open Access plans have a 24 month preexisting look-back on the medical cost share portion of the benefits for all conditions with the exception of the following chronic conditions:

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • High Cholesterol

 (If you have not been hospitalized for these conditions in the past 12 months)


If you currently have or have had a serious pre-existing health condition (in the last 24 months), we DO NOT recommend enrolling in this plan due to the limitations of the HEALTH PPO plan's medical cost share payout for pre-existing conditions.


If you have not had any serious pre-existing conditions, 24-months prior to enrolling, and then contract a serious condition or injury after you are enrolled, then all the plan provisions are paid fully per the benefits summary for each member without limitation.


In conclusion, if you are healthy currently, The Ascend Health plan alternatives may very likely be your best cost-to-quality value for a healthcare plan.  If you or your dependents have any health concerns than let's shop the ACA individual marketplace for you where we can find the appropriate plan for your preexisting conditions.


See the plan provisions and medical cost share member guide for details prior to enrolling.



Are you under 65 and
not enrolled in Medicare?

All of the healthcare plans Ascend Health do not allow individuals to enroll who are over the age of 65 and/or enrolled in Medicare.


If you not yet 65 and not enrolled than you can be enrolled in any of the plans up until you reach age 65 or become enrolled in Medicare.


If you need a Medicare resource please contact us for a referral in your area.

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