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For many employers, the status quo in offering group health insurance leaves much to be desired. From the limited plan options to never ending rate increases, cost shifting and a lack of claims cost control, most would like to provide healthcare a better way.


Recent legislative changes have provided a groundbreaking solution that allows you to lower costs, provide more choice to your employees, remain compliant, and enjoy unparalleled convenience through an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA).  Lets see if this might be a viable solution for you to consider.

Uploade Your Eligible Employee Census


  • Are you tired of the traditional group health insurance ecosystem falling short of your goals?

  • Are you frustrated by the lack of innovative ideas and solutions being brought to your attention?

  • Do you have a large percentage of lower wage eligible, full-time employees?

  • Do you struggle with low healthcare plan participation with your eligible employees?

  • Do you struggle with constant premium rate increases year-over-year?


If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then due to the the many advantages ICHRAs provide at fulfilling their primary benefit requirements of cost savings, choice, compliance, and convenience for your benefits offerings, an ICHRA might be the right fit for you you.  Let's take a look.

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Our Unique Platform Provides An All In One Solution

Let Us Do Your Cost-To-Compliance Analysis

We are happy to offer our complete Cost-To-Compliance Analysis if you are an applicable larger employer (ALE).  For an ICHRA, the employer responsibility to avoid Penalty A is based on providing a minimum essential coverage (MEC) or better healthcare plan for eligible employees. The requirement to avoid Penalty B is based on providing the minimum value (ACA lowest cost silver plan) at the affordability calculation of 8.39% (rate of pay) for each eligible employee.  Simply upload your member level census with DOB, Gender and Zip Code per eligible employee and we will provide you a comprehensive analysis within 5 days. 

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